Tuesday 8 May 2012

Frida Kahlo, born July 6th 1907, was a female Mexican artist who produced many personal self-portraits. Most of her portraits feature her face, especially her eyebrows and her blank expression. Her eyebrows appear heavy and thick, they are basically a motif in her pictures. She is often surrounded by living creatures like animals or insects and they are always symbolic in one way or another. Frida Kahlo is more famous now than she ever was when she was alive, mostly because Mexico was a much harder place for women back when she was trying to make it as an artist.
   Frida Kahlo is well known for the story of her tragic life and the way she portrayed this through her artworks. On September 17th, 1925, she was involved in a terrible accident on the streets of Mexico when the bus she was on crashed into a trolley car. The accident resulted in a broken spinal column, a broken collarbone, a broken pelvis, broken ribs, eleven fractures in her right leg, a dislocated shoulder and her right foot was smashed and dislocated. As if that wasn’t enough, an iron pole pierced her lower body and destroyed her reproductive organs. This event was the horrible start to the rest of her life.
   Kahlo was to spend approximately three months in a full body cast as her injuries healed. She abandoned her past aspirations and decided to take up painting to keep herself occupied in her hospital bed, thus beginning her painting career throughout which she produced 144 paintings (of which 55 were self portraits).

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